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Still Waters Page 9

  “I’m fine, thanks,” Ivy assured him as she said goodbye, although she felt bad about causing him to worry.

  Nor had she any intention of telling Danny that she’d asked Colin for time off. She’d simply tell him that Isabella was being briefly written out to accommodate another storyline, and she’d go to Willow Haven when Danny was too busy to accompany her.

  When the sun continued to shine that afternoon, Ivy decided to sit outside in the garden while she revised her lines for the following day’s episode. The sky was a brilliant azure blue, and she turned her face up to the sun. Since autumn wasn’t far away, she intended making the most of it.

  As she began revising her script, Ivy was transported to the nightclub where her character Isabella had just spotted the man with whom she was about to embark on an affair. The actor taking on the role was a new recruit, and would therefore undoubtedly be nervous. Ivy hoped she’d be able to put him at his ease during their upcoming romantic scenes. A nervous actor meant time lost and reshooting of scenes, and Ivy didn’t want any delays that would keep her from getting back to Harper’s Lake.

  Although soaps steered clear of topical issues that would date the production and limit opportunities to sell it overseas, Ivy didn’t crave meatier roles. She’d done theatre in the West End and played minor roles in two movies before finding her forte in the role of Isabella, which she’d been playing for many years. She enjoyed her character’s antics in the bedroom, since playing her was the complete opposite of Ivy’s own private life. Isabella was the kind of woman who played fast and free with the opposite sex, but didn’t like her husband doing the same thing, which led to many on-screen spats between Ivy and Anton, who played her older screen husband. Off screen, Ivy and Anton often chuckled together at the carry-on of their characters. Invariably one or other of them was having a fling with someone else’s spouse.

  “I don’t know where they get the energy, darling!” Anton was prone to say. “Just reading the script has me exhausted already!”

  Ivy was getting to grips with the nightclub scene when she heard the landline ringing in the distance. Cursing, she ran inside, annoyed with herself for not having the foresight to bring the receiver outside. Normally, when she was learning lines, she’d ignore the ringing, but she knew Joseph was phoning home today, and she was anxious to find out how he was faring in his search for accommodation for his next year at university. She was breathless from the effort as she pressed the receiver to her ear.


  Suddenly, Ivy heard a hoarse whisper: “I know what you were doing at the lake – stay away or I’ll tell everyone what you did!”

  In shock, she dropped the receiver and it crashed to the floor. She felt as though the room was spinning around her, and she rushed to the nearest bathroom and threw up in the sink. Her mind was in turmoil – this couldn’t be happening, could it? If ever she needed proof that there was a body in the lake, she had it now! Eventually she sat down on the bathroom floor to stop the room from going round and round.

  Had the voice been a man’s or a woman’s? She’d been in such a state that she hadn’t really noticed. The voice had been a whisper, so it could have been either.

  Ivy bit her trembling lip. At last, her worst nightmare was coming true. Someone knew she’d recently visited the lake. And they knew what she’d done all those years ago. Carrying the weight of the secret alone had been bad enough – now it was ten times worse, because whoever it was could now destroy her life. Everything was starting to unravel around her and, worse still, she’d bring Danny and Joseph down with her.

  As the dizziness passed, Ivy pulled herself up and sat trembling on the side of the bath. If this mystery person knew what had happened at the lake all those years ago, why hadn’t they acted on the information before now? Clearly because now she might tell someone about the second body. Maybe they’d decide to murder her, too!

  Suddenly, the fog in Ivy’s brain cleared, and it dawned on her that if she dialled 1471, she might be able to find out who her mystery caller was. Her fingers shaking, she dialled the number and listened, her heart sinking as she heard the reply: Number Withheld.

  Ivy covered her face with her hands. Naturally, the caller would be too clever to allow his or her number to be discovered. What on earth was she going to do? If only there was someone she could confide in. But the very reason she’d received the call was the reason she couldn’t ask anyone for help. And the mystery caller knew that her secret kept her isolated from anyone who could help her. There was nothing she could do but wait, terrified, for whatever would happen next.

  Chapter 18

  During the days following the party, Fred Heartley was furious, assuming that Joe was too scared to come home. He was gearing up to administer a major telling-off. How dare Joe let down all those good people who’d turned up at the hotel to wish him well on his birthday! And how dare he take his father’s new car! Fred figured that Joe had probably damaged the vehicle, and wasn’t man enough to own up to what he’d done.

  But by the second week of Joe’s disappearance, Fred’s anger had gradually turned to fear. The police hadn’t found any trace of the car, and Joe hadn’t made contact. Fred was also angry with himself – if he hadn’t had that blow-up with Joe, maybe none of this would ever have happened. If Joe was staying away to scare his father, he was certainly achieving his aim.

  By now, Julia was hysterical, and talking about “bad karma”. She was convinced Joe would never return, and she blamed Fred for driving him away. In desperation, Fred was even considering returning to church, an institution he’d abandoned many years before. But nothing else seemed to be working, and maybe if he interceded with God, and promised to reform his life, the Almighty might see fit to send his son back to him.

  As the weeks dragged by without any sign of Joe Heartley, an undercurrent of sadness began to develop in the village. People were beginning to realise that he mightn’t be coming back.

  There were few people in the village who hadn’t liked the boy, and they knew all about the fights with his father. Although it was clear that he’d stolen his father’s car, few begrudged him the opportunity of making a new life for himself. Most villagers accepted that Fred had been too strict with his son, and secretly hoped the police would never find him.

  Since it was obvious by now that Joe wasn’t sleeping off a hangover somewhere, Fred Heartley’s mood swung from fear back to anger, and he was once again threatening all sorts of punishments should his eldest son ever dare to set foot in the village again.

  As Peter Morton set off for Morton and Company Solicitors, he walked in the direction of Heartley’s Stores to buy his morning newspaper. His thoughts were with the Heartley family, and he fervently hoped Joe would return soon, otherwise Fred might have a heart attack. The poor man hadn’t looked well since the day Joe left.

  In the shop, Fred and Julia were going about their individual chores, Fred changing the till roll and Julia wiping down the counters. As he picked up his morning paper and headed towards the till, Peter glanced at Julia, intending to offer her a cheerful greeting.

  It was almost imperceptible, but Peter Morton caught the look of sheer hatred on Julia’s face as she glanced at her husband. Dear God, he thought, she blames Fred for Joe’s disappearance. Poor man – but poor Julia too.

  The greeting froze on his lips as Julia walked off without a word, leaving an embarrassed Fred to cover up for her lack of manners.

  “Julia’s still upset – about Joe leaving,” he said, his ruddy cheeks aflame.

  “I’m not surprised,” Peter said gently, “but I’m sure he’ll be back soon.”

  Having paid for his newspaper, Peter left the shop and began walking in the direction of his office, which was situated beside the bank. He guessed there’d be no peace in the Heartley household that evening, or on any other evening either. The glue that had held Fred and Julia’s marriage together was gradually being eroded by the departure of their eldest son.r />
  Peter Morton sighed as he opened the outer door and began climbing the stairs to his office. As a parent himself, he knew how badly Fred and Julia must be hurting. If Owen or Ivy ever ran off like that, he didn’t know what he’d do.

  Every time Ivy heard people talking about Joe, she wanted to cry. On one hand, she was glad to know that people thought so highly of the boy she’d loved but, on the other, each kind comment was like a knife slicing through her insides.

  At home, she avoided her parents and brother as much as possible, claiming variously that she was cleaning her room, washing her hair or reading. But when she claimed to be studying during the weekend, she’d taken a step too far.

  “What’s going on?” her mother asked, looking suspicious. “You’ve never made any effort to study at the weekend before. You haven’t got a man up in your room, have you?”

  “No, of course not!” said Ivy indignantly.

  “Then why are you spending so much time up there? All you’ve been doing lately is moping around. And whatever happened to that lovely dress we bought you – the pink one with the white piping round the sleeves? And your new jeans – where on earth are they? Half your clothes seem to have disappeared!”

  “Just leave me alone!” Ivy shouted, running out the front door, and into the street.

  She was tired of being scrutinised by every member of her family. Even Owen had taken to watching her surreptitiously, and turning guiltily away when she caught his eye. Why couldn’t they just leave her alone? In the privacy of her room, she could cry unashamedly, and at night she cried herself to sleep. Sometimes she wondered if she’d ever feel better. Even when her mood lifted a little, a picture of Joe’s face would suddenly push its way into her mind, and she’d sink into a deep depression again.

  As she walked along the street, head down and her thoughts miles away, she heard a familiar voice calling to her.

  “Ivy, are you alright?” Danny Heartley asked, a look of concern on his face, and Ivy felt a total fraud.

  “I’m fine thanks, Danny,” she lied.

  “You rushed out of your house looking so sad. Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine – honestly. Just a bit of an argument with Mum, nothing serious.”

  Danny grinned. “Count yourself lucky you don’t have the hassle that’s going on in our house. Since Joe left, Mum and Dad are at each other’s throats!”

  Danny grinned again, as though the whole thing was a great laugh. “I wonder where my brother’s got to?” he chuckled. “I can’t believe he had the nerve to nick Dad’s car. When he comes back, Dad will skin him alive!”

  Ivy gulped. Keeping quiet was already taking its toll on her, but now it was far too late to tell the truth.

  “I’m actually starting to miss him,” Danny told her, kicking a pebble and suddenly looking glum. “I never thought I’d say this, but it’s not much fun here without him. There’s only me and Peggy at home now – and my little sister’s far too studious for my liking.”

  “Hold on –” said Ivy, glad to find a focus for her anger, “– your sister got top marks in her class last term! You’re the one who needs to study if you’re going to get your final exams next year.”

  Danny grinned cheekily. “I’ll make a deal with you, Ivy – I’ll study really hard if you’ll agree to go out with me!”

  Ivy gave him a contemptuous look, and Danny held up his hands in supplication.

  “Okay, okay, I won’t hassle you, Ivy – but you are going to be my girlfriend someday, just you wait and see!”

  In the silence that followed, Ivy knew they were both thinking of Joe, yet she didn’t dare mention his name in case it proved to be her undoing.

  “I’d better go.”

  Ivy had no idea where she was going but right now returning to face her mother’s wrath was preferable to being with any of the Heartleys.

  Danny nodded. “Okay – I hope you and your mum sort out your quarrel.” He grimaced. “Just don’t let it get out of hand like Joe and Dad did – right now, I’d give anything to have Joe come home.” He brightened. “Anyway, I doubt if he’ll stay away too long – I’ll bet you the phone will start ringing soon, and Joe will be asking me what kind of mood Dad is in!”

  Whistling, Danny walked off, leaving Ivy feeling sick.

  Chapter 19

  After several sleepless nights, Ivy decided that she couldn’t allow herself to become a sitting duck, waiting for this mystery person to threaten her again. She’d have to do something about the situation, but she’d no idea what. The phone call had terrified her, and her heart jumped every time the landline rang at home. Even Danny had noticed how edgy she was, and had asked several times if she was okay.

  She managed to hide her worries while on the set of Bright Lights, but, as soon as each scene was over, she felt herself consumed by fear yet again. It was also affecting how she reacted to her colleagues, because she couldn’t help wondering if one of them could be the mystery caller. On the other hand, it being a work colleague made no sense. It had to be someone from Willow Haven – someone who had watched her dive into the lake that morning, and had as much – if not more – to lose as she had.

  But who could have known she was there? Ivy had purposely gone to the lake when she’d assumed no one else was around, and she hadn’t told anyone where she was going. Had someone been down there already, and watched her dive in? And had they been there by accident or design? Either way, someone definitely knew she’d been down to Fred’s car and seen the two bodies.

  Suddenly, Ivy remembered hearing from her mother that Hannah had been the victim of a mystery caller many years earlier. At the time, she hadn’t paid much attention, but now she wondered if there could be a connection? Extremely unlikely. All the same, she’d ask Hannah about it sometime …

  Much to Ivy’s relief, the writers agreed to adopt her producer’s suggestion. Isabella and her new beau would be caught in a compromising situation when the nightclub caught fire. Isabella would end up in hospital, and Emily’s character Marina would take centre-stage again for the two weeks while Ivy was away.

  But since receiving the mystery phone call, Ivy’s priorities had changed. She was now far too afraid to go back to the lake. The caller would probably be watching her every move in Willow Haven. And if she dived into the lake – well, they might follow her, pull her underwater and try to drown her. Ivy felt her throat constricting as she imagined someone’s hands around her neck, choking the life out of her in the murky confines of the water …

  Ivy shuddered. Right now, she felt she’d no choice but to get as far away as possible from the mystery caller. By putting distance between them, she’d be better able to clear her head and think logically about what she was going to do next. Since draining of the lake was still out to tender, it was unlikely that anything would happen during the two weeks she’d be away. She’d worry about diving in later.

  Now that she had a two-week break ahead, Ivy decided she was going abroad somewhere – to a place where the mystery caller couldn’t reach her. She hoped that Danny could come with her, but she suspected he’d be too busy since two new Betterbuys stores were being opened soon. Perhaps Joseph could spare the time?

  On the other hand, she was aware that the start of the year at university wasn’t the best time to start missing lectures … Well, even if she had to go alone, so be it. Right now, Ivy couldn’t wait to finish the current Bright Lights storyline and get away as soon as possible.

  Where would she go? She didn’t want to sit by herself on a beach all day and dine alone each night. Nor did she want to wander through some strange city where she didn’t understand the language. That would make her feel even worse than she did already. Spending too much time in her own company would also make her paranoid – before long she’d be imagining that everyone she met was the mystery caller or someone hired by them to finish her off.

  Suddenly, Ivy had a brilliant idea. She’d go to South Africa and visit her bro
ther! Since he’d moved there five years earlier, he’d been asking them all to visit, and she’d intended going when she had enough free time. Now, the distance would also protect her. The mystery caller wouldn’t know what country she was in or where she was staying, and they wouldn’t have a phone number to contact her. No whispering voice could reach her if she was 6,000 miles away – could they?

  Ivy shivered. She’d keep her trip to South Africa a secret, since she didn’t know the capabilities of the mystery caller. And since she’d implied to Colin that she was attending a medical specialist, she’d need to ensure that none of her colleagues in Bright Lights found out either. She’d ask Danny not to tell Peggy or Fred – of course, it would be impossible not to tell her parents that she was going to visit their son, but she’d ask them to keep quiet about her trip. Hopefully they’d accept that she just wanted some privacy.

  Danny was surprised when she told him of her plan to go to South Africa.

  “But you’re only just back from Willow Haven!”

  “I know, but I’d like to see Owen. Are you free to come with me?”

  Danny shook his head. “Couldn’t you wait a few weeks?” he asked. “You know we’ve got two new branches opening, and I really need to be here. But after that, I could go. I’ve never been to South Africa either – it would be nice to see Owen again.”

  Ivy felt mean and selfish, but she couldn’t let Danny know why she needed to get away.

  “Sorry, love, there’s a break in the storyline coming up, then I won’t have another one for ages,” she’d explained. “You and I can go to South Africa another time.”

  Her husband nodded ruefully. “I wish you’d told me you’d a break coming up. I could have organised things differently.”

  “Sorry, Danny, I thought you knew.”

  Ivy felt really bad. Poor Danny – her whole life seemed to involve deceiving the people she loved most in the world.

  When she’d phoned Joseph in his new flat near the university, he’d been reluctant to turn down a free trip to such an exotic location.